Thursday, January 20, 2011

Washington DC

Washington DC

Washington DC is the Capitol of the USA. This is where all of our government decisions take place. Here laws are written and taking away. Visit this city to experience how our Democracy works.

White House
So do you want to see where the United States President lives? Here's a picture of the White House. You can visit the White house anytime of the day, however you will have to stand hundreds of feet away because of the security they dont want tourists too close to the President.

Smithsonian Museum

The Smithsonian Museum is a bunch of massive Museums which hold history of the entire world. You can spend days and weeks in these Museums exploring all the historical moments and artifacts we host in our museums.

Lincoln Memorial

There are many memorials and land marks in Washington DC which represent how we admire freedom and liberty. This is a picture of one of our most famous presidents, President Lincoln's, memorial.

Abraham Lincoln Statue


Once the sun goes down walk around the city and see the beauties as the moon lights up the white government buildings all over.

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